Thursday 22 August 2013

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

A bit about me : 
My name is Ashleigh and i have just turned 21 this march. I finished high school without caring about my HSC and had not much interest in going to University. I never really thought about traveling either... Until i met my amazing (south african) boyfriend Josh. Long story short i had a massive crush on him and sometimes would be a little stalkerish.. I never got a chance to tell him how i felt and he left to travel the world and enjoy new found freedom of independence. He  was away for a few years before i saw him. When fate brought us together again he told me all about his travels and experiences and made it seem so interesting. I have always admired his passion for traveling and his love for Africa. So here i am traveling to Africa, to make my own memories and to experience the wonderful culture i have heard so much about. 

So i will just explain where i am going and who with. 
It all started back when my good friend from work, Cindy told me about how she might be going to Africa with a friend. She had told me in the past of her Trip to Watoto orphanage in Uganda and how she loved the experience and how it changed her. And how she had always said she left a piece of her heart there. Instantly i knew i wanted to go with! So i pretty much hounded Cindy into telling me the details and telling her i really wanted to go! At first i don't think she believed me and at first i wasn't sure that i could go. But as time went by i met with her friend that was going, her name is Jude and she is 37. So after meeting a few times it was time to book flights! Cindy couldn't come in the end because she had more important memories to make with her family so it was just Jude and i going. 
After i paid for my flights i posted on Facebook to tell the world that my dreams of going to Africa was finally coming true. And something crazy happened, my mums cousin in-boxed me for my number, so i gave it to her and she called me. She basically said that her daughter Britney who is 19 was always so interested in going to Africa. She asked for all the details and the next day Britney called to say i want to come with if i can. So i texted Jude to ask and she said yes. So from then on it was the 3 ofus traveling   to Africa on a mission trip with TTN Ministries. We will be going to Zambia, Malawi, Swaziland and then Johannesburg. We are going to help TTN unpack shipping containers full of donated goods to deliver to Hospitals and Local villages. I am so excited to be apart of something so amazing and to meet all the generous people who have given themselves to the Lord. 
Stay posted for my Adventures! 

<3 Ashleigh xo 

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